Hong Kong Residents


Recognizing the talent and skills many Hong Kong students and graduates can bring to Canada’s economy and workforce, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is announcing a new initiative to allow eligible Hong Kong residents in Canada or abroad with recently completed post-secondary studies to apply for an open work permit, which may be valid for up to 3 years.

加拿大政府认为香港学生和毕业生可以为加拿大经济和劳动力带来更多技能,加拿大移民部宣布一项新举措,允许最近3年内完成大专以上学习的香港居民申请开放式工作签证,有效期最长可达 3 年。

Obtaining an open work permit will allow Hong Kong residents, particularly young people, to come to or stay in Canada and gain valuable employment experience. To follow this experience, a new pathway to permanent resident status for in-Canada Hong Kong residents who meet specific eligibility criteria has been created.


The government will also expedite study permit applications for those who want to study in Canada. There has already been an increase in applications for study permits from Hong Kong residents in 2020, and Canada will continue to promote this opportunity. Minister Mendicino announced that, once their studies are completed, these students will have a new dedicated pathway to permanent residence.

加拿大政府还将加快申批香港居民的学习签证申请。 2020年香港居民申请学习签证的人数已经有所增加,他们的学业完成,这些学生将有一条新的特别途径获得永久居留权。


There are 2 streams for which you may be eligible. You can apply for permanent residence under one of the following: 香港居民有2种途径获得加拿大永久居留权

  • Stream A: In-Canada graduates 途径1: 在加拿大境内的毕业生

To be eligible for this stream, you must 要求如下:

  • hold a valid passport issued by one of the following: 拥有以下护照之一

    1. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China 中国香港特别行政区护照

    2. United Kingdom to a British National (Overseas) as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong 英国海外护照

  • be physically present in Canada when you apply and when you get permanent residence 申请时人在加拿大境内

  • have a level 5 score in all 4 skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in IELTS 雅思听5分,说5分,读4分,写5分

  • have graduated from a post-secondary designated learning institution in Canada 从加拿大政府认可的学校毕业

    1. in the 3 years before you apply and 在申请前的3年内

    2. with one of the following: 获得以下文凭之一

      1. diploma (for a program of at least 2 years) 2年以上大专

      2. degree (bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate) 本科或者研究生

      3. graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate (for a program of at least 1 year) and 研究生文凭

    3. with at least 50% of your program completed in Canada (either in person or online) 至少有50%课程在加拿大完成(面授或者网路授课)

  • Stream B: Canadian work experience 途径2:有加拿大工作经验者

To be eligible for this stream, you must 要求如下

  • hold a valid passport issued by one of the following: 拥有以下护照之一

    • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China 中国香港特别行政区护照

    • United Kingdom to a British National (Overseas) as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong 英国海外护照

  • be physically present in Canada when you apply and when you get permanent residence 申请时人在加拿大境内

  • have a level 5 score in all 4 skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in IELTS 雅思听5分,说5分,读4分,写5分

  • have graduated in the 5 years before you apply with one of the following: 申请前5年内获得以下学历

    • a diploma (for a program of at least 2 years) or a degree from a post-secondary designated learning institution in Canada 加拿大政府认可的学校颁发的大专或本科学历

    • a graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate (for a program of at least 1 year) from a post-secondary designated learning institution in Canada 加拿大政府认可的学校颁发的研究生或者研究生文凭

    • a foreign educational credential equivalent to one of the following: 海外学校毕业证书

      • a Canadian post-secondary diploma (for a program of at least 2 years) 2年以上大专学历

      • a Canadian post-secondary degree 本科学历

      • a Canadian graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate (for a program of at least 1 year) 研究生或者研究生文凭

  • have worked in Canada for at least 12 months full-time, or an equal amount of part-time hours in the 3 years before you apply. 在申请前3年内在加拿大工作至少12个月

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